Transfer Business Name – What to do as Seller
When selling a business you can transfer a Business Name to the buyer yourself. You will need to generate an ASIC Transfer Number to give to the Buyer in order for them to register the Business Name into theirs. To generate this number please visit the Government website, ASIC Connect.
Log into your existing ASIC Connect account (this is different to your Auskey Account). If you don’t already have an ASIC Connect account, go ahead and create one by clicking on [Sign up]. It’s free.

Once you’re logged into your ASIC Connect Account click on the tab [Lodgements & Notifications]. Select the Business Name you wish to Transfer from the list provided. Then under “Transactions” select “Cancel/Transfer Business Name” and follow the prompts.

If you can’t see your Business Name from the list you will need to first assign the Business Name to yourself then go back and follow these steps again (to assign the Business Name to yourself follow these steps: Click HERE).