For Sale by Owner
Sell a Business Yourself!
Selling a business is not something you would do everyday but is something that we do EVERY DAY.
Anyone can advertise a business Online and answer their own enquiries but, sometimes you just need an advantage. That’s why we’ve developed our “For Sale by Owner” package.
For one low price, what’s the advantage?
- Make your money go further with greater marketing reach (compared to marketing yourself on all the major websites which offer a small window to advertise (we offer unlimited advertising time on all the major websites until sold or withdrawn from sale at a discounted price));
- Advertise to our proprietary database of buyers rich in visa buyers, individual investors, and investment groups;
- Advertise on social media platforms;
- Preparation of a password protected Information Memorandum/Sales Information pack which does most, if not all, of the pre-selling work for you, and can be shared with Accountants and Lenders to help substantiate the deal;
- Consultancy and advice from an in-house Business Broker as a sounding board and make sure that you are on the right track and help troubleshoot;
- Credibility associated with a reputable, professional brand behind you to boost your business image and earn the trust of buyers;
- Preparation of Contract of Sale for Business and Property potentially saving you upwards of $3,000 in legal fees;
- Production of a video teaser (optional) (extra fee applies);
- Hold and manage monies in a statutory Trust Account (usually the last thing you think about but most buyers feel more comfortable paying a Deposit and/or the balance of Settlement funds into a third-party Trust Account rather than directly to the Seller until full handover is completed);
It’s essentially the same as employing our full Business Broking service but we handball the buyers to you and you close the deal yourself. No Commission. All marketing is promoted through Gold Coast Business Broker’s brand in line with Third Party Advertiser policies and ensure that we maintain a consistent and professional image in line with our brand.
The best thing is, if you change your mind and you want our help then, you only have to pay $500 admin fee to move it over to our Full Service (Commission will be payable upon sale).
Compare our Services
Features | For Sale by Owner | For Sale by Agent |
Advertise on industry websites including,, and more. | Yes | Yes |
Advertise on (we rank No.1 for major industry search terms) | Yes | Yes |
Advertise on WeChat (Chinese Platform) | ||
Advertise on Facebook, LinkedIn | Yes | Yes |
SMS/Email Marketing to Database (reach buyers outside of mainstream advertising) | Yes | Yes |
Video Ad (Optional)(additional fee applies) | Optional | Optional |
Send/Receive Confidentiality Agreements | No | Yes |
Professional Advertisement Writing | Yes | Yes |
Preparation of Password Protected Information Memorandum accessible from any Internet Powered Device | Yes | Yes^ |
Preparation of Contract of Sale (Business & Property) | Yes | Yes |
One-on-one Consultancy with a Business Broker | Yes | Yes |
Negotiate and manage the sale from start to finish | No | Yes |
Hold and manage monies held in Trust | Yes | Yes |
Marketing Fee | Yes* | Yes |
Commission on Sale | No | Yes |
Term of Service | Until advised in writing | Until advised in writing |
Let’s Connect
Ready to find out more? Contact us today and let’s make something awesome together!
Jeevesh Thaman Fluent English, Hindi, Indian, Punjabi Business Sales 0451 559 383 | |
Henry Chow Fluent English, Cantonese, Mandarin Business Sales | Mergers & Acquisitions | IPO | ASX 0421 040 857 | |
Amy Wan Fluent English, Cantonese, Mandarin Business Sales 0498 229 813 | |
Giang Nguyen Fluent English, Vietnamese Business Sales 0404 007 202 | |
Naoko Arase Fluent English, Japanese, Mandarin Business Sales 0478 772 228 |
Kristina Andreassen Fluent English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Business Sales 0429 537 908 | |
Alex Cernoy Business Sales | Mergers & Acquisitions | IPO | ASX 0459 424 777 | |
Charlie Xin Fluent English, Mandarin Business Sales 0406 251 126 |
Tinus Potgieter Fluent English, Afrikaans Business Sales 0435 448 417 |
Kamal Kapoor Fluent English, Hindi, Indian, Punjabi Business Sales | Finance Broker 0413 835 389 | |
Rumsha Mahmood Fluent Urdu, Hindi, English Business Sales 0489 226 470 |
Michael Iffland Fluent English Business Consultant 0401 317 322 |
Peter Iffland Business Sales 0425 216 162 | |
Nicole Nguyen-Iffland Licensee | Business Sales | Mergers & Acquisitions | IPO | ASX 0423 161 995 |